Striped Mojarra


The⁣ Striped Mojarra, scientifically known as Eugerres ‍plumieri, is a ​marine species belonging to the Gerreidae family.

Conservation‍ Status

The current conservation status⁣ of ⁢Striped Mojarra is listed as ‘Least Concerned’ by the‍ majority of the conservation societies.


Average Range
Length 20 cm 10-30 cm
Weight 150 grams 80-300 grams
Average Lifespan 7-10 years


This species is ​commonly found along the Atlantic ⁢coast of Central and ⁣South‍ America, from Mexico ​to Brazil, including the‍ Caribbean‍ Islands.


  • Water type:​ Marine, Freshwater, Brackish
  • Depth range: Surface to ⁤20 meters depth
  • Temperature range: ‌Warm temperate-tropical⁤ waters

When and​ Where to ⁢See

Striped Mojarra can ⁢be seen year-round, especially during early morning and late ⁤afternoon when ​they⁤ come to shallow water for feeding.

Best Fishing Locations

The top fishing locations for Striped Mojarra are around estuaries and mangrove ​areas,​ especially in the ⁣following regions:

  1. Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
  2. Florida Keys, USA
  3. Coastal Waters of Belize
  4. San Juan, ⁣Puerto Rico
  5. Bocas del Toro, Panama
  6. Fernando de Noronha, Brazil

How to Catch

Fishing techniques ⁤such as fly fishing,⁢ light tackle, and ‌bottom fishing are typically used to catch ​Striped Mojarra. They respond well to ‌small baits and even⁤ minute ​lures, and are ⁣easier to catch during summer months.

Identification Guide

Striped Mojarra‌ can be identified by​ its elongated⁢ body, ⁣silver color with⁤ a greenish ​hue, distinct dark strip from ‌snout to⁤ tail, and ⁢large eyes.


How to Cook

Striped Mojarra is considered good table fare. ‍It can be seasoned, ‌filleted,⁤ and cooked over a grill or shredded into fish cakes.

Taste Profile

It offers a light, delicate flavor with a slightly sweet ⁤aftertaste.

Nutritional Information

Striped Mojarra is ⁤rich in protein, Omega-3 fatty acids,⁣ and ‍essential vitamins.

Additional‍ Information


Striped Mojarra are omnivorous. They feed mostly on⁤ small crustaceans, mollusks, and algal material.

Predators and Threats

Human-induced ‍threats include overfishing and habitat destruction. Predators are mainly ⁤larger fish and birds.

References and Further Reading

For ⁣more information on Striped Mojarra, consider the following resources: