Tigerfish (Goliath)


The Goliath Tigerfish (Hydrocynus goliath), a member of the Alestidae family, is known ​for its⁣ size⁣ and predatory behavior, earning it the title of⁢ “tiger”⁢ of‍ the⁢ fish world. This ⁤species exhibits ferocious characteristics synonymous with its namesake and is renowned for its aggressive nature and sheer strength.

Conservation Status

The ⁤Goliath‍ Tigerfish has not been⁣ evaluated for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red​ List,⁣ hence its current conservation status is unknown. Despite​ the lack of official ​status, efforts are being put forth to ​protect the fish species because of their decrease⁢ in numbers due to overfishing and habitat degradation.


Statistic Average Range
Length 1.5 meters 1.0⁣ – 1.7 meters
Weight 50 kilograms 35⁢ – 70 kilograms
Average Lifespan 10-15 years


These fish are ⁢native to Africa and can‌ primarily be found in the Congo River Basin, Lake Upemba, Lualaba‍ River ‍and Lake ⁤Tanganyika.


As freshwater fish,​ Goliath Tigerfish⁤ prefer warmer temperatures ranging from 20°C to ‌28°C,⁢ residing ‍in⁣ depths between 5 ⁢and 30 ‌meters.​ They ⁤are often found in high-speed waters in the main parts ⁢of‍ large rivers.

When‍ and Where to⁤ See

Goliath Tigerfish‌ are ⁤most active during the day, particularly in the early morning and late afternoon. Seasonal⁢ patterns for seeing these magnificent species are not well documented but spring and autumn are generally⁤ considered best for freshwater fishing.

Best Fishing Locations

The top locations for finding Goliath‌ Tigerfish include the ‍Congo ‌River Basin, Lake Upemba and Lualaba⁤ River in ‍Congo, and Lake⁤ Tanganyika in‍ Tanzania. Be prepared for a fight though, as these aggressive fish‌ are known for their​ power and endurance during the fight.

How ⁢to Catch

The ideal bait to attract the ⁤Goliath Tigerfish is smaller fish, since they’re carnivorous. Popular fishing techniques involve trolling with heavy tackle, due to the fish’s size and strength. Fly fishing can also ‍be attempted yet is ⁢challenging⁤ due ⁤to the fish’s powerful ⁣jumps and runs.

Identification Guide

Goliath Tigerfish are generally silver in color with a‌ blue tinge. Identifying features ⁣include⁢ their large jaws fitted with​ sharp pointed teeth, strong muscular⁢ bodies, and⁣ their distinct dorsal and adipose fins.

Culinary Information

Goliath Tigerfish is not commonly consumed due to its strong taste. If properly cooked, it can render a robust, full-bodied flavor. High in protein, the fish can offer considerable nutritional ⁣benefits.

Additional Information

Goliath Tigerfish are apex predators in their ecosystem and behave ⁣aggressively​ towards other fish ‌species. ​They have no known⁤ predators except ⁢for humans. They’re also objects of folklore and considered ⁢highly prized trophies among anglers.

References and ​Further Reading

For more insights into⁣ the⁢ Goliath Tigerfish, the following sources are recommended: