Trevally (Silver)


Species Name and Family Name

The‍ Silver Trevally, also known as Pseudocaranx georgianus, belongs to the family Carangidae, which ‍includes the jacks, jack mackerels, ⁣pompanos, runners, and scads.

Conservation‍ Status

Current Status

Silver Trevally is not listed ​as endangered ⁢or vulnerable with the World Conservation Union (IUCN).

Conservation Efforts

Despite not being threatened, various measures have ‌been put⁣ in ‍place by different countries to regulate​ and manage the Silver Trevally fishery⁤ to ensure‍ its sustainable exploitation. This​ includes bag limits and minimum size ​restrictions.


Aspect Average Range
Length 42 cm 20-90 cm
Weight 72 kg 30-100 kg
Average Lifespan 25 Years



This​ species is widely distributed in the warm⁢ and temperate waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans but is ‍especially prevalent​ around Australia.

Migration Patterns

Mature Silver Trevally‍ migrate towards‍ the southern shores during the warmer months. Juvenile ⁢Silver Trevally, on the ​other hand, are known to occupy estuarine‌ environments.


Water types

Silver Trevally ‌prefer saltwater ⁢environments⁢ including coastal bays and‍ estuaries.

Depth Range

They​ can be found from the surface down to ‍depths of 100 meters.

Temperature Range

They ⁢are most typically found in temperatures between 12-24°C.

When and Where to​ See

Seasonal Patterns

In ‍Australia,⁤ they are usually found during the warmer​ months, primarily⁢ from March‍ to May, when they migrate southward.

Time of Day

They feed during the day, specifically in the early ⁤morning⁣ or late afternoon.

How to Catch

Preferred Bait ‍or Lures

A range of bait can‍ be​ successful when catching Silver⁣ Trevally, from‍ prawns, squid, cut fish,​ or⁢ soft plastic lures.

Fishing Techniques

Fly ⁤fishing,⁣ trolling, and bottom fishing techniques can all prove successful when fishing for Silver Trevally, with ⁤hook sizes 1/0 to 5/0 commonly used depending ​on‌ the ‌size of the fish targeted.

Best Fishing⁣ Locations

1. Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
2. Melbourne,‍ Victoria, Australia
3. Tasmania, ⁢Australia
4.⁢ Esperance, Western Australia
5. Kiama, New South Wales, ⁢Australia
6. Sydney Harbour, Australia
7.​ Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia
8. Ningaloo ⁢Reef, Western Australia
9. Jervis Bay, New ‍South ⁢Wales, ‍Australia
10. Great Barrier Reef,⁢ Australia

Identification Guide

The Silver ⁢Trevally is a robust, deep-bodied species with⁤ a small to medium-sized head ‍and large eyes. Its color can vary but is typically silver with ⁢a green-blue ‌back.


How ‍to ⁤Cook and Taste Profile

Silver⁤ Trevally has a medium to high oil content which contributes to its rich flavor when cooked. It can ⁢be used⁤ in a variety of dishes, including grilling, frying, or smoked.

Nutritional Information

Silver Trevally is an excellent source of Omega⁣ 3,‌ proteins, vitamins, and minerals.


Popular‌ recipes include⁢ Trevally fillets with ​chili, lime and coriander; baked Silver Trevally with tomatoes and olives; and Trevally ceviche.

Additional Information


Silver Trevally are highly mobile schooling fish. They are known to eat a variety of prey, including⁢ other fish, ‌crustaceans, and‌ squid.

Predators and Threats

Natural ⁤predators of Silver ​Trevally are large fish and ​sharks. The ⁣biggest‌ threat to these fish species is overfishing.

Cultural/Historical Significance

In Japan, Silver Trevally were traditionally considered sacred offerings to the gods and were adorned in temples.

References and Further Reading

1. “Silver Trevally” in Fishes of Australia. ⁤Available at: Fishes of Australia.
2. “Silver Trevally”⁢ in Australian Museum.⁣ Available at: ⁣ Australian Museum