Tuna (Albacore)


Also known as the Longfin ‌Tuna, the Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) is a species⁢ of tuna that belongs to the Scombridae family. It is praised for ⁤its rich flavor⁣ and tender texture, making⁤ it a favorite in a⁤ variety of cuisines worldwide.

Conservation Status

The Albacore​ currently holds a “Near Threatened”‌ status according to the International Union for⁤ Conservation of Nature (IUCN). ⁣Efforts to conserve ⁤the‌ Albacore⁣ population include implementing catch limits, ‍mandated ‌bycatch release, and seasonal fishing restrictions.


A table showcasing ‍the⁤ Albacore’s statistics is⁤ provided below:

Feature Average Range
Length 1 metre‍ (3.3 feet) 0.9 ⁣- 1.4 metres (3 – 4.6 feet)
Weight 15.5 kg (34 pounds) 6 – 40 kg (13 – ‌88 ​pounds)
Lifespan 12 ⁢Years N/A


The Albacore can be found in oceans⁣ worldwide,‌ excluding the ⁤Polar Regions. It tends to⁣ migrate across waters, making their distribution somewhat sporadic,‌ but generally follows areas with temperatures in ‌the ‌range⁢ of ​15.6 – 19.7°C.


Albacore Tuna prefer pelagic or open-ocean waters. Typically, they reside in⁤ a⁢ temperature range between 15.6 – 19.7°C. They are highly migratory species that enjoy depths between​ 200 – 400 meters.

When and Where to See

The Albacore are highly migratory‌ and⁣ their presence⁣ in​ any given region ⁣can be seasonal ⁢in nature. ‌Typically, you might see them⁤ during⁢ daylight hours when the⁣ water temperatures are close to their preference.

Best Fishing⁢ Locations

Top fishing locations for Albacore include:

1. The Mediterranean Sea.
2. The Atlantic Ocean.
3. The Indian ‍Ocean.
4. The Pacific Ocean.
5. The Coral⁤ Sea.
6. The Tasman Sea.
7. Kaikoura, New ‌Zealand.
8. Madeira, ⁣Portugal
9. The Canary Islands.
10. The Bay of Biscay.

How to ⁢Catch

Fishing for Albacore typically involves either trolling with ‍lures ⁢or live bait fishing. Due to their migratory nature, the best time to‌ catch​ them usually depends on the seasonality patterns of the specific region.

Identification Guide

Measuring up to 1.4 ‌meters‌ long, the ‍Albacore has ​an elongated, fusiform ⁣body that ⁤is bluish above and silvery ‌below. Practical‌ identification characteristics ‌include elongated⁢ pectoral‍ fins and shorter body length than other Tuna species.


Albacore is famous ‌for its​ mild, rich flavor and firm, steak-like texture. You can grill, broil, or ​pan-fry Albacore steaks. It’s also ​popular for canning, often⁤ labeled as ⁣”white tuna.”

Additional ‍Information

Albacore feed primarily on squid and small fish, with feeding behavior typically consisting of school-based hunting.‌ Their‍ primary ‍natural predator⁤ is the Shortfin Mako Shark. The biggest threats ⁢to the​ Albacore ⁢population ⁢come⁢ from‍ overfishing and by-catch.

References‌ and Further Reading

1. ⁣FAAO⁤ Species Fact⁤ Sheets: ⁢ http://www.fao.org/fishery/species/2493/en.
2. Seafood Source: https://www.seafoodsource.com/seafood-directory/item/albacore-tuna.

Please refer ⁢to the above links for further information about this⁤ fascinating species