Tuna (Longtail)


The Longtail Tuna, ⁢scientifically known as ⁣Thunnus tonggol, is a species from ‌the ​Scombridae family. Known for its significant value ⁤in commercial fishing and sport fishing, ⁤it is a highly sought-after catch for many anglers.

Conservation Status

According to the International Union for Conservation of ⁤Nature (IUCN), the Longtail Tuna is currently under the category of “Least Concern”. ⁤Various local and international conservation efforts are in place to manage the species,​ without specific programmes⁣ targeted directly at the Longtail Tuna ⁢community.


Average Range
Length 1.26m 0.5 – 1.4m
Weight 25 kg 10 – 35 kg
Average Lifespan 15 years


Longtail ⁢Tuna are widely distributed throughout the Indian and Western Pacific oceans. They migrate following the monsoon currents and waters’ temperature changes.


Longtail⁢ Tuna are pelagic fish, predominantly residing in surface⁢ oceanic waters. They⁤ thrive in⁢ a wide range of temperatures ⁤and depths, typically found⁣ between 0 and 200 m depth.

When and ‍Where to See

Longtail⁤ Tuna can be spotted​ year-round. However, they are more ⁣commonly sighted during the monsoon season where they migrate in large numbers. ​

Best Fishing Locations

  • The ​Gulf of Oman
  • The Persian Gulf
  • Northwestern⁣ Australia
  • Andaman‌ Sea
  • Bay of Bengal
  • South China Sea
  • Indonesian and Philippine waters
  • Malaysian coast

How to Catch

The ​Longtail Tuna mainly feeds on small fish‌ and squids, making ​them the preferred bait. Trolling or casting using surface lures is the most⁢ effective technique to catch these species.

Identification Guide

The ⁣Longtail Tuna has a⁣ streamlined, torpedo-shaped body. It is‌ dark blue above and silvery white below, with colorless, curved lines on sides.


Longtail Tuna flesh is highly prized for its flavor and texture.​ It can be grilled, baked, or used in sushi. Its taste⁤ is rich, with a firm texture and moderate ⁣fat content.

Additional Information

Longtail Tuna are known for their strong⁢ fight when hooked, making them a popular choice for sport fishing. Predators include larger fish like sharks and other bigger tuna species. Cultural significance of Longtail Tuna varies by region, with some cultures considering‍ it‍ a totem or a‌ symbol of prosperity.

References and Further Reading

For more information on Longtail Tuna, consult dedicated marine biology resources and encyclopedias. ⁤You may also explore​ the documents of Food⁢ and Agriculture‍ Organization (FAO) and World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)