Vermilion Rockfish

Introduction: Vermilion Rockfish

The Vermilion Rockfish, scientific name Sebastes miniatus, is a member of the Scorpaenidae family. This species, also known as the vermillion snapper, is semi-benthic, meaning it often stays close to the sea bed but can also frequent open waters.

Conservation ​Status

The Vermilion Rockfish is currently classified as “Least⁣ Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature ‍(IUCN). This rating indicates that the species is ⁢widely distributed and relatively⁣ abundant.

However, continuous⁣ conservation efforts need ‍to be‍ in place to ⁢maintain its status as such. ‍This includes sustainable fishing practices,⁢ monitoring ⁣population trends, ​and implementing protective ⁤measures in ⁣habitats where it is prevalent.


A summary of the statistics of the Vermilion Rockfish:

Statistic Average Range
Length 17 inches 10-24 ⁣inches
Weight 7 lbs 3-12 lbs
Average Lifespan 20 years 10-30 years


Vermilion Rockfish⁢ are ‍found ⁤in the Pacific ⁣Ocean,⁢ specifically from Baja California, Mexico, to‌ Alaska, USA. No significant migration⁢ patterns have been⁢ observed‌ for ‍this species to date.


Absorbing the marine settings, the Vermilion Rockfish inhabit ​saltwater environments at depth ⁤ranges of 30 to 500 feet, though they can​ be found up to 900 feet below the surface. ⁣They favor temperatures between 10°C⁣ and 14°C.

When and ​Where ‌to See

Vermilion Rockfish are most active during late spring to early fall, where​ they⁤ can be seen‍ swimming near ‌rocky outcrops ⁤and reefs. Lay eyes on them during daylight hours as they go about ​their daily routines.

Best Fishing ⁤Locations

Among ⁢the top⁢ fishing spots for Vermilion Rockfish are the following:

  • San Miguel Island, ‌California
  • Pt. Conception, California
  • Cordova, ‌Alaska
  • Catalina Island, California
  • Prince William Sound, Alaska

Find the⁣ Vermilion ​Rockfish by focusing searches around underwater structures​ like reefs and rocky terrains, a favorite habitat for the species.

How to Catch

These fish are⁢ drawn towards squid or cut fish as bait. The ​preferred fishing methods include trolling ‌and bottom fishing, with late spring to early fall being the prime season for catching.

Identification Guide

Vermilion Rockfish are easily recognized by ‌their‌ vibrant red color, complemented by black spots on the ⁢fins. They also have a symmetrical tail, fin spines, and a robust body.

Culinary Profile

Vermilion Rockfish have a sweet, delicate flavor fit for various dishes. The cooked flesh is lean, low in fat, and rich in protein. Popular recipes include grilled Vermilion and Vermilion Rockfish ceviche.

Additional Information

Around dawn or dusk, Vermilion ‌Rockfish feed on krill, copepods, and small ⁣baitfish. Their ‌natural predators include Sea Lions, larger fish, and ⁢occasionally birds.

While the species​ hasn’t been heavily featured⁤ in folklore or historical events, ⁢it is a beloved catch by recreational and commercial fishermen due to ‌its vivid coloring and delectable taste.

References and Further Reading

For further information, consider the⁤ following ⁢sources:

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Monterey Bay Aquarium