White Margate


Known as ‌the White Margate, the species is ⁢a part of the⁤ Grunt family. Scientifically referred to as Anisotremus virginicus,​ it⁣ is part of the Haemulidae family.⁢ These fish inhabit the warmer temperate and tropical waters⁣ of​ the Western Atlantic Ocean.

Conservation Status

The current⁣ conservation status of the‍ White Margate is⁤ classified as ⁤’Least Concern’⁢ under the IUCN Red List. There are no imminent threats to their population and no major conservation efforts are required, however, they are monitored to ensure no ⁤drastic changes in population occur.


Average Range
Length 14 inches 12-17 inches
Weight 1.5 pounds 1-2 pounds
Average Lifespan 15 years


The White Margate ⁤primarily resides in the Western Atlantic ‍from Bermuda and the U.S. south⁤ to Brazil. They prefer ⁢reefs ‍in offshore ​waters. There is no known migration pattern for this species.


These species prefer the tropical and ‌warm temperate waters of ⁤the Atlantic Ocean. They are predominantly found in depths ranging ‍from 10‍ to 30 meters but ⁢have been recorded at depths ‌of up to 55 meters.⁢ Their preferred temperature ‍range is 24​ to 28 degrees Celsius.

When‍ and Where to See

The White Margate can ⁢be seen throughout the year, but they are most active during the​ day.

Best ⁢Fishing Locations

The top places for⁢ fishing the White Margate are:

  1. Bermuda
  2. Florida Keys, USA
  3. The Bahamas
  4. Cuba
  5. Brazil

Should ⁢you wish to find the species in locations ⁢not listed, look for them in warm ⁢tropical and temperate Atlantic waters near reefs.

How to ⁣Catch

White‌ Margate are attracted by a variety ‍of baits including squid, cut bait, and⁢ shrimp. They can⁣ be caught using⁣ different fishing techniques​ like bottom fishing and trolling.

Identification Guide

The White Margate ⁤has a silvery ​white body ‌with blue reflections on the ⁤upper ⁣part. It has a pointed snout and its dorsal fin is divided into two⁢ parts.


White Margate is a flavor-rich fish ideal for grilling, baking, and ⁣frying. It is a low-fat, high protein fish​ packed with⁣ omega ⁤3 fatty acids. Recipes like Grilled Margate with Lemon and ⁢Herbs⁣ or Margate ceviche are popular.

Additional Information

White Margate ⁢is a​ nocturnal fish ‌and feeds ‍mostly ⁣on‍ crabs, shrimps, and other small fish. One ​of its known ⁢predators is the Atlantic Tarpon. It’s not stated whether it⁤ has any cultural or historical significance.

References and Further Reading