Whitespotted Eagle Ray


The Whitespotted Eagle Ray, scientific name Aetobatus narinari, is⁣ a unique species ​of ray belonging to​ the family Myliobatidae.

Conservation Status

According to the International Union for‌ Conservation of⁤ Nature (IUCN), the⁢ Whitespotted Eagle Ray is ⁢currently classified as “Near Threatened”. Conservation efforts ‍are underway to protect this species, including regulations on recreational and commercial‌ fishing in some ​regions, and ​the establishment of ​marine protected⁣ areas.


Statistic Average Range
Length 5ft (1.5m) Up to 10ft (3m)
Weight Approximately 50lbs ⁣(22 kg) Can reach⁢ up to​ 500lbs (227kg)
Lifespan N/A N/A


Whitespotted Eagle ⁤Rays can be found in tropical oceans worldwide, ​including the Atlantic, ‍Pacific, and Indian Oceans. They do not typically display any prominent migration ‌patterns, but⁣ may move ​in response to changes in water temperature.


These rays ⁣are commonly found‍ in nearshore⁤ waters and ​coral reefs, frequently⁢ at depths of less than 80 feet.⁣ They adapt well to ⁤a variety of water temperatures, ⁤making ⁢their way ⁤into ⁢both warm tropical waters and cooler ​temperate regions.

When ⁣and ⁣Where‌ to See

Whitespotted Eagle Rays ‍can ‍be spotted year-round near coastal reefs, ⁤often during⁣ daylight hours when they are most active.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Bahamas
  • Florida Keys,⁤ USA
  • Great Barrier ⁢Reef, Australia
  • Hawaii, USA
  • Red‌ Sea, ⁤Egypt/​ Saudi Arabia
  • Andaman Sea, Thailand

Fishing for Whitespotted ‌Eagle Ray requires a large heavy-duty rod and reel due ⁢to their size and strength.⁤ Sight fishing is a popular method for targeting this species.

How to Catch

For bait, squid ⁣or ⁢cut ⁤fish can be used effectively. The best technique for⁣ catching ‍is by sight ⁤fishing or bottom ​fishing.

Identification Guide

Notable for their ⁢dark dorsal surfaces covered‌ in white ⁣spots or⁣ rings,⁢ Whitespotted Eagle​ Rays are quite​ distinct. They also have a⁢ long, ‍whip-like⁢ tail and⁤ a flat, wide body ⁣typical of ​rays.


While‌ not commonly ⁤eaten, ‍Whitespotted Eagle Ray⁤ meat is said to have a mild, slightly sweet flavor. It can‍ be grilled or baked and served ⁣with⁤ a variety of sauces.

Additional‍ Information

These rays ⁣are ​known to be solitary ‍creatures except during mating season. Their⁤ diet primarily consists of invertebrates such as ​clams, ‍oysters, and⁢ shrimp. Predators⁢ include ⁣large sharks and humans.⁤ They are particularly threatened by habitat loss and fishing pressure.

Historically, some ⁢cultures ​have considered these rays to be ​symbols of grace and freedom due‌ to their fluid, birdlike movements.

References and Further Reading

  1. Fishbase
  2. World Register ‍of Marine Species
  3. Oceana