Whitespotted Greenling


The Whitespotted⁣ Greenling (Hexagrammos⁣ stelleri) is a species belonging to the Hexagrammidae family.‍ It is a marine, carnivorous species ⁣that is intriguing to anglers due to⁢ its uncommon ​occurrence.

Conservation Status

Currently, the conservation status of the Whitespotted Greenling is not ‌officially evaluated.⁤ As such, there aren’t any ongoing conservation efforts‍ specific to ‌this species.


Characteristic Average Range
Length 30 cm 10-50 cm
Weight Not Specified Not Specified
Average Lifespan 15 Years 10-20 Years


The Whitespotted Greenling is predominantly found‍ in North Pacific ​oceanic regions, ⁤spanning from the Sea of Okhotsk to the Bering Sea, and lower Alaska down to Southern California.


The Whitespotted Greenling ‍is ⁣a marine species that‌ dwells in nearshore rocky areas and kelp forests. They typically inhabit shallow waters within depths ranging ⁣from 0 to 30 meters. ⁤They can thrive in cold waters‌ with temperatures ranging from 1‍ °C to 10 °C.

When and Where to See

Anglers are most likely to spot ⁣the Whitespotted Greenling during the spring⁤ and summer months. They are‍ particularly active during ​the day.

Best Fishing​ Locations ​and ​General Tips

Top locations for fishing Whitespotted ⁤Greenling include:

  • Monterey Bay, California
  • Prince William‌ Sound, Alaska
  • Salish Sea, British ⁣Columbia
  • Puget Sound, Washington
  • Hood Canal, Washington

When in ‌unknown locations, anglers should explore nearshore areas with rocky ⁣bottoms and‌ swaying​ kelp forests.

How to Catch

Preferred bait includes small crustaceans and invertebrates. Sportfishers often use jigs, plastic worms, or flies for luring. Bottom fishing is a popular technique for catching Whitespotted Greenling, with early morning and late evening proving to be the most productive times.

Identification Guide

Whitespotted Greenling can be identified by their elongated bodies and small mouths. They ⁤are typically brown or grey in ‌color sprinkled⁣ with numerous small, white spots. The anal and dorsal fins exhibit a yellowish tone. ⁤


Whitespotted Greenling has a distinctive, ‌mild flavor and ‍a tender ⁣texture. It‍ pairs well with⁤ flavors like lemon, garlic, and​ fresh ⁤herbs. High in protein, low⁤ in total fat, and⁤ a good source of potassium and vitamin‍ B, it offers nutritional⁢ benefits ​beside its culinary appeal.

Additional Information

Whitespotted Greenling is a predatory species, known for their solitary‌ and territorial behavior. They feed mostly on small crustaceans, molluscs, and fish. The main‍ natural predators of Whitespotted Greenling include various⁤ species ​of seals, larger fish, and seabirds.

References and Further Reading