Winter Flounder


The Winter Flounder, ⁣scientifically known ⁤as Pseudopleuronectes americanus, belongs to the⁣ family ⁢Pleuronectidae. Known also as Blackback or Lemon sole, this species ⁤is considered a right-eyed flatfish.

Conservation Status

Currently, the‍ Winter ‍Flounder is listed as ⁢”Not Evaluated” on the conservation status scale.‍ However, some populations have seen declines due to pollution and overfishing.


Statistical Category Average Range
Length 38 ⁤cm 15-64 cm
Weight 1 ⁢kg 0.5-3 kg
Lifespan 15 years 9-20 years


The ​Winter ‌Flounder is found ‌in ⁢the North Atlantic, with a range​ from Labrador‌ in Canada down to Georgia in the United States.‍ These fish have ​also been spotted in parts of Europe. ‍They tend to stay in⁢ place rather ‍than migrate, but changes in water temperature can prompt movement.


Typically, ⁤Winter Flounder prefers​ shallow waters and can often be found in estuaries or nearshore waters. They ⁣can‍ tolerate a considerable range of ⁤temperatures, from near freezing ‌up to 20°C.

When and​ Where ⁤to See

  • Winter flounders are most often⁣ found ⁢during the winter and early spring.
  • They are more likely to ⁢be spotted during the day when they come out to feed.

Best Fishing Locations

Some of the best places to catch Winter Flounder include:

  1. Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
  2. Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
  3. Long Island Sound, ⁢New York
  4. Narragansett Bay, Rhode ⁢Island
  5. Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts
  6. Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts
  7. Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts
  8. Raritan Bay,⁢ New Jersey
  9. Peconic Bay, New York
  10. Barnegat Bay, New Jersey

How ⁢to Catch

  • The ‍preferred baits ⁣for Winter Flounder include sea worms​ and clams.
  • Bottom fishing is usually the⁣ best⁤ technique to employ.
  • Fishing for Winter Flounder is often most successful in the early morning and late afternoon.

Identification ⁤Guide

Winter Flounders are brown to black on the eyed side,⁢ with ⁤a pale yellow to​ white underside. Their⁣ lateral ‌line ‌arches above the pectoral fin, which can be used to distinguish them from similar ‍species.


The Winter Flounder is well-regarded for its sweet ​and delicate, white, lean meat. It’s versatile ⁣and⁣ can be used in a variety⁢ of recipes, from grilling to frying to‍ baking.

Additional Information

Winter Flounder is a bottom-dwelling species. Their primary predators include fish species ​like cod and ‍haddock, seabirds, marine mammals, as well as humans. Historically, the Winter ⁢Flounder has been the ⁢focus⁢ of ​a commercial ⁤fishery and is regarded as ⁤one of⁤ the finest ‍seafoods by ‌many.

References and Further⁤ Reading

For further details about the Winter​ Flounder, you⁤ may check out the following ‍resources: ‍ and NOAA ⁤Fisheries .