Wrasse (Humphead)


The Wrasse, often known as the Humphead or Napoleon‍ Wrasse, is an exotic species of marine fish that belongs to the Labridae family.

Conservation Status

The Humphead Wrasse‌ is presently considered as “Endangered” according to the⁤ International Union for Conservation of Nature⁣ (IUCN). Conservation attempts for ‌this species involve the prohibition ⁢of their capture and⁢ sale in ​many countries (Don’t include links to iucnredlist.org website).


Length Weight Average Lifespan
Average: 100cm, Range: 30-230cm Average: 46kg, Range: 2-190kg Up to 30 years


Humphead Wrasses are primarily found in the Indo-Pacific region, from the Red Sea to⁣ South Africa and to the Tuamotu‍ Islands, Japan, and the Great Barrier Reef. This species does not undertake significant migrations.


Primarily found in⁢ coral reefs, the Humphead Wrasse prefers a tropical marine environment. The ⁣depth range of their habitat is typically between 1 ⁤and‌ 100 meters, with temperature ​ranges suitable for ​coral growth.

When and Where ⁣to See

The⁣ Humphead Wrasse ‍is a diurnal species, most active during daylight hours. They are‌ often‌ spotted‍ all year round, but for ‌the best viewing opportunities, ⁣the months between April and August are ideal.

Best Fishing‌ Locations

While direct ​fishing for this species is generally‍ discouraged due to its ⁢conservation status, some of the best locations to ⁢catch a glimpse of this impressive species include:

1. Great Barrier Reef, Australia
2.​ Red Sea, Egypt
3. Baa Atoll,​ Maldives
4. Raja Ampat,⁢ Indonesia
5. ​Sipadan Island, Malaysia
6. Andaman Sea, Thailand
7. Blue Corner, Palau
8. Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand
9. Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
10. Florida Keys, USA

How to ⁣Catch

Due to the endangered status, ⁢fishing for‍ Humphead Wrasse is highly discouraged and it is illegal ⁢in many countries.

Identification Guide

Humphead Wrasses are brightly colored and can range from a greenish-blue to a more vibrant purplish-blue.⁤ The most⁣ distinctive feature is the prominent hump on the forehead, which becomes more pronounced with age. They are considerably⁤ larger than most other wrasse species.


Fishing for⁤ Humphead Wrasse for culinary⁢ purposes is not recommended due to its dwindling population and the significant ecological role it plays within reef ecosystems.

Additional Information

Humphead Wrasses are distinguished by their large size, curious nature, and elegant swimming style. Their diet, which includes toxic sea hares, ⁢boxfish, and sea ‍urchins, plays a crucial role in⁤ maintaining balanced reef ecosystems. Overfishing and the destruction of their⁣ coral reef habitats pose⁢ significant threats⁣ to their survival.

References and Further ​Reading

Further reading about this fascinating species can be found ​in various scientific⁣ journals and prominent websites like [National Geographic](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/) and [ARKive](http://www.arkive.org/), both featuring extensive information about the Humphead Wrasse and its habitat