Yellow Bass


The​ Yellow Bass (Morone⁤ mississippiensis) is‍ a species of freshwater fish belonging to the‌ family Moronidae.

Conservation Status

Yellow Bass is not ⁤currently listed as a threatened or endangered species. Despite this, efforts are ongoing⁢ to humanely ⁤manage the yellow bass population in several fishing bodies ⁣to balance⁢ recreational fishing and ecosystem⁣ health.


Average Range
Length 9.8 inches 6 ‌- 13.7 inches
Weight 1.1⁣ lbs 0.5 ⁢- 2.2 lbs
Lifespan 6 years 4 – 7 years


Yellow Bass can be found ‌in the United States, predominantly in the⁤ Mississippi‍ River Basin.⁤ They are most common in the central and⁢ southern⁢ states. These fish⁣ do not have regular ‌migration patterns but can move ​to different parts of lakes‌ and rivers based on seasonal changes.


  • Water type: Freshwater
  • Depth range: Surface to deep waters
  • Temperature ‌range: ⁣Subtropical

When⁣ and Where to See

Yellow Bass can typically be seen throughout the year ‍with peak abundance during the spring and early summer. ‍The optimal⁢ time of day to spot⁢ these fish is in the⁤ early⁣ morning and ⁤late afternoon.

Best Fishing Locations

Some of the top places to catch Yellow Bass⁢ are:

  • Mississippi River, Missouri
  • Mississippi River, Illinois
  • Mississippi ‍River, Iowa
  • Cumberland River, Kentucky
  • Tennessee River, ‌Tennessee
  • Chickamauga Lake, Tennessee
  • Kerr⁤ Reservoir, Virginia
  • Clear Lake, Iowa
  • Big Creek Lake, Iowa
  • Gull ⁢Lake, Minnesota

To find the species​ in unknown locations, ​look for rivers⁣ or lakes with abundant aquatic vegetation ​and rocky or sandy⁤ bottoms.

How to ⁤Catch

Yellow Bass are attracted to ⁣live bait like worms and small ‍fish, and artificial lures can also be effective. ‌They respond well to techniques such as bait⁣ casting, trolling, and fly​ fishing. The⁢ best time to ‍catch Yellow⁣ Bass is during their spawning season in the spring and early summer.

Identification Guide

Yellow Bass have‍ a silvery body with dark grey-green colour on their back, ghostly white‌ belly, and distinct horizontal stripes. They⁢ are often confused with⁣ White Bass, but can be identified by their shorter body and the broken, not straight stripe pattern.


Yellow Bass ‍has a ⁢sweet, nutty flavour ⁣and firm texture.⁣ It is lean and low in fat, making it ‍a nutritious choice. ‍It can be baked, grilled, ⁤or served in a variety ⁢of dishes. Always ​remember ⁤to remove any bones before consumption!

Additional ⁢Information

Yellow ​Bass ‌are ambush⁤ predators feeding mostly on small fish like shad and ‌minnows. They are preyed upon⁢ by other ‌larger predatory fish and waterside predators like⁤ herons and eagles. ⁤Yellow Bass⁣ have a complex mating ritual involving courtship​ displays and intricate ​dances.

References‍ and Further Reading

For detailed information on Yellow ⁣Bass, consider reading “Fishes of the Central United States” by Joseph Tomelleri and Mark Eberle.‌ Also, check out the FishBase page for Yellow ‌Bass for more statistical​ information.