Yellow Bullhead


The Yellow Bullhead,⁤ scientifically known as Ameiurus natalis, is a species of bullhead catfish that belongs to the family Ictaluridae. These catfish ​are primarily known for their distinctive yellowish⁣ color and stout body.

Conservation Status

The Yellow Bullhead is ​currently‌ recognized as ⁢a species of ​”Least⁢ Concern” according to the International Union for the ⁤Conservation of Nature (IUCN). There⁢ are no specific conservation efforts targeted towards the Yellow Bullhead as their population remains fairly stable.


Length (Average) Length (Range) Weight (Average) Weight ‌(Range) Average Lifespan
6-10 inches 2-14 inches 0.5-2 lbs Not Available 5-7 years


The Yellow Bullhead is largely distributed across North America, particularly in ​the United States​ and Canada. They are commonly found in lakes, ponds, and slow-moving streams. There’s no specific migration pattern for ⁤this species as they’re considered sedentary.


  • Water Type: Freshwater
  • Depth Range: Shallow waters
  • Temperature Range: ​4-30° C (39-86° F)

When and Where to See

Yellow Bullhead can be spotted year-round,​ but they are‍ especially active during the spawn season (spring to early summer). They are ⁤typically nocturnal, ‍feeding and staying active mostly during the night.

Best Fishing Locations

Top fishing locations for Yellow Bullhead include:

  1. Lake Champlain, USA
  2. Lake Erie, USA/Canada
  3. Finger Lakes, USA
  4. Lake Okeechobee, USA
  5. Ohio River, USA
  6. Chesapeake Bay, USA
  7. Mississippi River, USA
  8. Great ⁣Slave Lake,​ Canada
  9. Mackenzie River,⁣ Canada
  10. Arkansas river, USA

A general tip for finding‌ Yellow Bullhead is to look for them in ‌areas with a soft, muddy bottom, both in clear and ⁤turbid water.

How ‍to⁤ Catch

Favored baits ⁣include chicken liver, night crawlers, clams, and dough baits. ​Bottom fishing is ​effective as Yellow Bullheads prefer to dwell near or on the⁣ bottom of ‍bodies ‌of water. The best time to fish them is at night, ‌especially⁣ during ⁢their spawning season.

Identification Guide

The Yellow Bullhead is characterized by ‍its yellow to olive-green body ​color, with a whitish-yellow underside. It⁤ has a flat head, rounded tail, and long whisker-like‌ barbels around the ‍mouth. It can be distinguished from ‌other bullhead species by looking for its longer anal fin base and absence of a saw-toothed spine on the⁣ paired pectoral fin.


Yellow ​Bullhead, like other catfish species, is considered a delicious choice of fish for many. It‌ has a mild, sweet flavor, a low-fat content and a firm, flaky texture. Frying is the most ‍common preparation method. It’s ideal for dishes like Southern-style catfish, catfish nuggets, or catfish tacos.

Additional Information

Yellow‌ Bullhead primarily feeds on insects, aquatic invertebrates, and plant material. They are nocturnal feeders, typically ⁢feeding off the bottom. Their primary predators include larger fish species and birds such as ‍herons and eagles. They play a significant role in many Native American cultures, where they are ⁢revered ‌for their strength ‍and resilience.

References and Further Reading

This article is an excellent start to learn about Yellow Bullhead but it’s always a good idea to consult local fishing reports⁢ or enthusiasts for more specific information on‌ the fishing conditions or habits.