Yellow Sea Chub


The Yellow Sea Chub is part of the Kyphosus genus within the Kyphosidae family. Typically found in subtropical waters, these fish are recognizable by their ⁤silver-grey body​ and yellow trim.

Conservation Status

The Yellow Sea Chub has been⁤ assessed by the International Union for Conservation of‌ Nature (IUCN). Currently, it is classified as⁣ ‘Least Concern’, indicating a relatively stable population without significant threats. It should be noted, no targeted conservation efforts are currently in place specifically⁣ for this species ‌but general marine conservation ‍policies do apply.


Statistic Average Range
Length (cm) 35 25-40
Weight (kg) 1.5 1-2
Average Lifespan (years) 5 N/A


Yellow Sea Chub are notably found in the Western Central Pacific, from Southern ⁣Japan, to Taiwan and Hainan Islands. There is no available‌ research indicating significant migration patterns ‌within this species.


Populating subtropical marine environments, ⁣Yellow Sea Chub have been spotted in waters ranging from surface level to depths ‌of 5 meters. They appreciate a mild temperature of around 20-27 ‌degrees Celsius.

When ⁣and Where‌ to See

Due to the lack of substantial migration, one can spot⁣ Yellow Sea Chub year-round in their typical ‌habitats bordering the ‍west-central Pacific. They are mostly active‌ during daylight hours.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Offshore​ the Hainan ‌Islands
  • Taiwan’s coastal areas
  • Fukuoka’s coastal regions, Japan

General Tips

Search for Yellow Sea Chub in shallow, rocky areas near reefs during the daytime⁣ in warm, subtropical waters.

How‍ to Catch

Yellow⁤ Sea Chub bite on a variety of baits, including small ‌fish and ⁤shrimp. Fly fishing and ‌bottom fishing ​are ⁣effective techniques.

Identification Guide

These fish are⁤ distinguished by‌ their silver-grey bodies with a yellow trim.


Yellow Sea Chub are mild in taste with a firm, light texture. They ⁣are rich in protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. Common preparations ⁢include grilling or boiling.

Additional Information

Yellow Sea Chub are omnivorous, eating small fish, crustaceans, and plant matter. Their primary predators are larger piscivorous fish.

References and Further Reading