Yellowedge Grouper

The Yellowedge Grouper, scientifically known as Hyporthodus flavolimbatus, ​is a species of marine fish in the family⁣ Serranidae.

Conservation Status

The current conservation status of the Yellowedge​ Grouper is⁣ “Data Deficient.” ⁢However, minimal efforts and measures have ⁢been taken ⁢to preserve and⁣ monitor this species​ due to its wide distribution and deep-water habitats.


Length1 ⁤meter0.5-1.5 meters
Weight15 kg5-30 kg
Average​ Lifespan20 yearsN/A


The Yellowedge Grouper can be found ⁤in the western Atlantic Ocean, from North Carolina in the USA down ‌to southeastern Brazil, including the Gulf⁣ of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. There is currently ​no known migration pattern for this species.


The Yellowedge Grouper inhabit marine and brackish waters, thriving at a depth range of 90-400 meters. The preferred water⁣ temperature for this species lies between 20-28‌ degrees Celsius.

When and Where ‌to See

Predominantly spotted between ‍Fall and⁤ Spring, Yellowedge Groupers ⁢are most active during the late afternoon and early evening hours.

Best ‌Fishing ‍Locations

  1. Southwest Florida, USA
  2. Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA
  3. Southeast⁣ Texas, USA
  4. The Bahamas
  5. Eastern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
  6. Trinidad and⁣ Tobago
  7. North-Central Brazil
  8. Barbados
  9. Venezuela
  10. North-Eastern Cuba

How to⁣ Catch

The best baits to use for Yellowedge ⁤Groupers consist of squid and small fish. They typically respond well to bottom fishing​ techniques during the early evening hours.

Identification Guide

Recognizable by their yellowish-brown to ⁢gray body, a yellow-edged dorsal and ⁣anal fins. Unlike similar ⁤species, the Yellowedge ⁤Grouper has ⁤a rounded tail (or caudal fin) and an elongated second spine on the dorsal fin.

Culinary Information

How to Cook

Yellowedge Grouper can ⁢be fried, grilled, or steamed. Season with herbs, spices and⁣ citrus for maximum flavor.

Taste Profile

This species has⁤ a sweet, ‍mild flavor with a medium-firm ⁣texture, comparable to Red Snapper.

Nutritional Information

Yellowedge‍ Grouper is high ⁣in ‍protein‌ and low in fat. ​It ​is ​a ⁣good source of Vitamins B6 and B12 and beneficial minerals.

Additional Information

Young‌ Yellowedge⁢ Groupers primarily feed on small fish and squid, while ⁤adults prefer crab, shrimp, and octopus. Known predators‌ include larger ⁤fish species and, to a lesser ​extent, humans.

References and Further Reading

For more information about the Yellowedge Grouper, ⁤consider these resources:

1. “Fishes of ⁢the Gulf of Mexico Vol. 2: Serranidae to⁢ Triakidae” Thomas McEachran & Janice Fechhelm.
2. “Fishes of‍ the‍ Caribbean Reefs” – Ian F.⁤ Took
3. “Atlantic Coastal Fishes” – H. Dickson Hoese, Richard H. Moore.