Yellowtail Amberjack


The Yellowtail Amberjack is a fish species belonging to the Seriola family. It’s ⁢a robust‌ and fast-growing⁢ species, primarily found in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

Conservation Status

According ‌to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Yellowtail Amberjack‍ is currently listed as⁢ ‘Least Concern’. This⁤ denotes that the species isn’t directly threatened with extinction. ‌Conservation efforts are underway to ensure that the population ⁤remains stable and unaffected by overfishing and habitat degradation.


Average ⁢Length 70-80 cm
Length Range 15-100 cm
Average Weight 3-5 ⁢kg
Weight Range Up to 10 kg
Average ​Lifespan 15-20​ years


Yellowtail Amberjack habitat spans⁣ both ​the Pacific and⁣ Atlantic oceans ‍alike, having a ⁣penchant especially for warm, temperature tropical‍ and subtropical zones. They undertake offshore migrations‌ in the ​autumn and winter seasons.


The⁢ Yellowtail ⁤Amberjack ​is essentially a marine species favouring saltwater habitat. They are mostly found at ⁣a water depth ⁢of 1​ to 360 meters and flourish at ‍temperature ranges from 18 to 24⁣ degrees Celsius.

When ‍and Where to See

The species can be viewed⁤ in abundance during the ⁢late spring to​ summer months given the appropriate water temperatures. The fish are usually noticed near the water surface during daylight‍ hours.

Best⁣ Fishing Locations

Some of the‍ top ⁢fishing locations for Yellowtail Amberjack include:

  • Florida Keys, USA
  • Baja California, Mexico
  • Costa Rica’s⁢ Pacific ⁣Coast
  • New⁤ South Wales, Australia
  • Kanto ⁣region, Japan
  • Andaman Sea, Thailand

How to Catch

Yellowtail Amberjack are visually-oriented predators, making lures ⁤and live baits like squids and mackerels⁤ a fine choice. Techniques such as trolling and jigging can be effective. Summer‍ is usually the most fruitful season for fishing.

Identification Guide

The Yellowtail‍ Amberjack‌ is a ⁢large, silvery fish, with a distinctive yellow tail and a dark band across its eye. ​It ⁣is easily distinguishable from similar species due to its specific color pattern and⁤ physical structure.


The Yellowtail Amberjack​ is a popular fish ‌in both ‍the‍ commercial and recreational ⁣fishing ⁤industry due to its ⁣delicious, firm‍ white​ meat. It is rich in protein, vitamins, and​ beneficial fats.‌ The fish can⁣ be prepared in a variety of ways, with grilling and baking‍ being the ⁤most common.

Additional Information

The feeding habits of ⁢the⁣ species include smaller fish and ​squids, whereas mating rituals⁣ involve a group gathering ⁢during the spawning season.‌ The‍ fishing industry, habitat degradation, and⁢ pollution serve as⁢ major threats ⁤for the ‌species.

References ⁤and Further Reading

To ⁣learn more​ about the Yellowtail Amberjack,‍ you may refer to ​the FishBase Database ​ and‌ the University of Florida’s Museum⁢ of Natural History.