Fishing licenses in Tennessee: Fees and Regulations


Fishing in the picturesque state of Tennessee is a dream come true for many anglers. Whether you’re a resident planning a weekend getaway or an out-of-state visitor looking to experience the state’s abundant waterways, it’s essential to understand the fishing license requirements. The question “Do you need a fishing license in Tennessee?” is one that every angler should be familiar with. In this guide, we’ll answer this and delve into the various licenses available, their costs, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about fishing in Tennessee.

Resident Fishing Licenses

If you’re a Tennessee resident, several fishing license options cater to your needs. From those who fish occasionally to those who make it a regular hobby, there’s a license tailored for every angler. Here’s a breakdown of the resident fishing licenses available and their costs:

License TypeCost
Annual Hunting & Fishing Combination License$28
County of Residence Fishing License$11
Resident 1-Day Fishing License$6.50
Resident 1-Day All Species License (including trout)$11
Junior Hunt, Fish, and Trap Annual License (ages 13-15)$10
Annual Senior Citizen Hunt/Fish/Trap License (ages 65 and over)$4
Annual Senior Citizen Sportsman License (ages 65 and over)$49
Lifetime Sportsman LicensePrice varies depending on age

For senior citizens wondering, “Do senior citizens need a fishing license in Tennessee?”, the answer is yes, but at a discounted rate. The state offers special licenses for senior citizens, ensuring that they can continue to enjoy the pastime without any financial strain.

For younger residents between the ages 13-15, the Junior Hunt, Fish, and Trap Annual License is an affordable option. Those under the age of 13, however, do not require a license. Remember, the age for a fishing license in Tennessee varies based on the type of license, so always ensure you’re purchasing the correct one.

Non-Resident Fishing Licenses

Tennessee welcomes anglers from all over the country. Whether you’re visiting for a few days or planning an extended fishing trip, the state offers a variety of licenses to accommodate non-residents. Here’s an overview of the options:

License TypeCost
Non-Resident Annual Fishing License (no trout)$49
Non-Resident Annual Fishing License (all species, including trout)$98
Non-Resident 3-Day Fishing License (no trout)$20.50
Non-Resident 3-Day Fishing License (all species, including trout)$40.50
Non-Resident 10-Day Fishing License (no trout)$30.50
Non-Resident 10-Day Fishing License (all species, including trout)$61.50

If you’re an out-of-state visitor pondering “how much is an out-of-state fishing license in Tennessee?” or “how to get a non-resident fishing license in Tennessee?”, the table above provides a clear breakdown of the costs. It’s worth noting that the state offers both short-term and annual licenses for non-residents, allowing flexibility based on the duration of your stay.

Trout Fishing Licenses

Trout fishing in Tennessee is a unique experience. The state’s cool, clear waters are home to a variety of trout species, attracting anglers year-round. However, trout fishing requires a specific license, in addition to the standard fishing license. Here’s what you need to know:

License TypeCost
Annual Trout License (for residents, in addition to the standard fishing license)$22
One-Day Fishing License – All Species (for residents, including trout)$11

Anglers often ask, “Do you need a fishing license for catch and release in Tennessee?” The answer is yes. Regardless of whether you intend to keep the trout or release it, a license is mandatory.

Special Permits and Requirements

While the above licenses cover a broad spectrum of fishing activities in Tennessee, there are specific locations and types of fishing that might require additional permits. It’s crucial to check local regulations, especially when fishing in state parks, wildlife reserves, or special water bodies. Some areas might have restrictions on the number of fish you can catch, the size of the fish, or even the type of bait you can use.

Key points to remember:

  • Location-Specific Permits: Some water bodies in Tennessee may require a special permit in addition to your fishing license. Always check local regulations before heading out.
  • Tournament Fishing: If you’re participating in a fishing tournament, additional permits or fees may apply. Ensure you’re fully compliant to avoid any penalties.
  • Endangered Species: Tennessee is home to several endangered fish species. Accidentally catching and not releasing such species can lead to hefty fines. Familiarize yourself with these species and the regulations surrounding them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How old do you have to be to need a fishing license in Tennessee?

Anyone aged 13 and above requires a fishing license in Tennessee. However, the type and cost of the license can vary based on age.

How much is a lifetime fishing license in Tennessee?

The cost of a Lifetime Sportsman License varies depending on age. It’s best to check with local licensing agencies for the most accurate pricing.

Can you fish without a license in Tennessee?

No, a fishing license is mandatory for anyone aged 13 and above. However, there are specific “Free Fishing Days” during the year when anyone can fish without a license.

What’s the fine for fishing without a license in Tennessee?

The penalty for fishing without a license can be substantial, including fines and potential bans from obtaining future licenses. Always ensure you have the appropriate license before fishing.

How much is a fishing license at Walmart in Tennessee?

Walmart, along with other approved vendors, sells fishing licenses. The costs at Walmart are consistent with state pricing, but there might be a small processing fee.

Do you need a fishing license for catch and release in Tennessee?

Yes, even if you plan to release the fish, a valid fishing license is required.

How much are fishing licenses in Tennessee?

The cost varies depending on the type of license and whether you’re a resident or non-resident. For a detailed breakdown, refer to the sections above on resident and non-resident licenses.

Do senior citizens need a fishing license in Tennessee?

Yes, senior citizens do need a fishing license in Tennessee. However, there are discounted rates and specific licenses available for seniors.

How much is a non-resident fishing license in Tennessee?

For non-residents, the Annual Fishing License (no trout) is $49, and the one that includes all species, including trout, is $98. Shorter duration licenses are available at different prices.

How much does a fishing license cost in Tennessee at Walmart?

Fishing licenses at Walmart in Tennessee have the same state pricing, though there might be a small additional processing fee.

What age do you need a fishing license in Tennessee?

You need a fishing license in Tennessee starting at age 13. Those under this age can fish without a license.

How much is a one-day fishing license in Tennessee?

A one-day fishing license for residents in Tennessee is $6.50. If you want the one-day all species license, including trout, it is $11.

How much is an out-of-state fishing license in Tennessee?

The cost for an out-of-state or non-resident Annual Fishing License (no trout) is $49. There are other options with different durations and inclusions available at varying prices.

How to get a non-resident fishing license in Tennessee?

You can purchase a non-resident fishing license online through the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency’s website, at licensed agents, or at locations like Walmart.

Who needs a fishing license in Tennessee?

Anyone aged 13 and above needs a fishing license to fish in Tennessee, whether they are residents or non-residents. There are specific licenses for different age groups and fishing types.

How much is a hunting and fishing license in Tennessee?

The Annual Hunting & Fishing Combination License for residents is priced at $28. For more specific combinations or non-resident licenses, prices vary.

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