

The Nannygai, also known ‍as the⁤ Red Snapper, species name Centroberyx⁢ affinis, belongs to​ the family‍ known as Berycidae.⁣ This saltwater fish ‌is native to ​the coasts of Australia and New ⁢Zealand.⁢

Conservation Status

The current ⁣conservation status of the⁣ Nannygai is “Least Concern” as per the ⁢Australian‌ Government Department of Agriculture, Water and⁣ the Environment. Their‍ population is stable without any immediate⁣ threats. However, conservation efforts include limiting the size and number of the catch to prevent overfishing.


Statistic Average Range
Length 40⁤ cm 30-60 cm
Weight 2‍ kg 1-4 kg
Lifespan 15 ‌years


Nannygai are predominately found along the south ‍coast of Australia and around New Zealand. They do not ⁤follow specific migration patterns.


Nannygai⁣ prefer saltwater​ habitats within a depth range of 10 ⁢to⁤ 450 m. They prefer cooler water temperatures, usually below 20°C.

When and Where to See

They can be seen throughout the year, ⁤especially ⁢during the summer months when water temperatures are‍ more conducive. The​ best time ‍to see Nannygai is​ during the dusk and dawn.

Best Fishing Locations

  1. Great ⁣Australian Bight, ‌Australia
  2. Rottnest Island, Australia
  3. Port Phillip ⁣Bay, Australia
  4. Hauraki Gulf, ‌New Zealand
  5. Cook Strait, New Zealand

General Tips

Nannygai usually prefer ‌areas with rocky or gravely sea floors. Look for such‌ areas when ​you are out fishing for Nannygai.

How to Catch

The preferred bait ⁣for catching ⁢Nannygai includes squid, fish fillets, and shellfish. ‍Fishing techniques like ⁢bottom fishing or ⁤using a subiki rig are effective. The best time to fish for Nannygai is during dusk or dawn.

Identification Guide

Nannygai are bright ⁢red ⁤in ⁢color, with a deep, compressed body and large eyes. There⁤ are also ​distinctive black edges⁤ on their anal fins and tail.⁤


Nannygai is popular for its sweet, delicate taste and firm white flesh. It ⁤can be enjoyed grilled, fried,‌ or steamed. Nutritional information reveals it as ​a good source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Additional Information

Nannygai are opportunistic feeders, preying on smaller fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. Their predators⁤ include ‌larger fish and sharks.⁣ Though there’s no specific cultural ​significance, they are very popular among recreational anglers for their fight and ‌taste.

References and⁤ Further Reading

  • Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
  • Australian Museum – Southern Nannygai