Picked Dogfish


The picked dogfish, also known as the Spiny Dogfish,​ is a species belonging to ⁢the Squalidae⁣ family of sharks.

Conservation Status

The current⁤ conservation status of the picked dogfish⁢ is ‘Least Concern’ as per ‍the International Union for ‌Conservation of Nature⁤ (IUCN). Conservation⁢ efforts for this species mainly consist of controlled fishing⁤ regulations.


Length (Average) 2.8 feet
Length (Range) 2-5 feet
Weight (Average) 20 lbs
Weight (Range) 15-30 lbs
Average Lifespan 25-100 years


These aquatic creatures are⁢ found around the globe, mostly in the temperate⁤ and subarctic regions. Their pattern of migration is primarily based‍ on⁢ temperature changes.


The picked ⁢dogfish prefers shallow and ⁤salt waters. The‍ depth range of this‌ species is‌ between 10m to 200m,​ and they⁢ fancy ‌a temperature ‍range from 7 to 15 degrees ‍Celsius.

When and Where to See

These fish are visible throughout ⁤the year ⁣with peak sightings ‍during the warmer months. Most active during the night,‍ they retreat to deeper ‌waters during daylight​ hours.

Best Fishing Locations

This species of dogfish is mostly found in coastal ‍regions of the Atlantic Ocean. Some of the⁤ top places to‍ fish ​for them include:

1. Gulf of Maine
2. George’s Bank
3. Bay of​ Fundy
4. ​Grand Banks‍ of Newfoundland
5. Southern part of⁣ Greenland

When fishing, it ​is generally⁢ advised to look for turbulent waters as they tend to congregate⁣ in such areas.

How‍ to Catch

The picked dogfish is usually attracted to⁤ oily‌ fish baits. These species can be caught through fly fishing, trolling, and ⁤bottom fishing. The best time for catching these fishes is during the late evening or at night.

Identification ⁣Guide

These fishes are distinguishable by their greyish-brown body color and white undersides. ⁤They​ have two spines – one ‍in front of each​ dorsal fin and no anal fin.


The picked⁣ dogfish can be cooked in various ways due to its firm white flesh. It has ⁤a mild, sweet flavor‌ and a low-fat content.

Additional Information

The picked dogfish feeds on smaller fishes and invertebrates. They are ovoviviparous, and⁢ their mating season varies from region to region. ‌Major threats to‍ this⁣ species are overfishing and habitat disruption.

References and Further ⁣Reading

Although there’s a large variety of online resources where you can learn more about the picked ⁢dogfish, some ​recommended ‌readings include:

1. “Sharks of the World” by Leonard Compagno
2. “Sharks, Skates, and Rays: The Biology of Elasmobranch Fishes” edited by William C. Hamlett
3. “Field Guide to Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras⁢ of Europe and the Mediterranean” by ​David A. Ebert
4. Florida Museum‌ – Spiny Dogfish
5. NOAA Fisheries – Atlantic Spiny Dogfish