Arctic Char


The Arctic Char ‍(Salvelinus​ alpinus) is a member of the Salmonidae family. It is​ closely related to both⁤ salmon and lake trout, and has many characteristics of both.

Conservation Status

The Arctic Char is currently listed as “Least Concern” on the ​IUCN Red List. Conservation efforts currently include preserving and protecting⁣ its natural habitats.


Length70 cm58-82 cm
Weight7 kg3-10 kg
Lifespan20 years


Arctic Char ⁢inhabit ⁣both Arctic and Subarctic waters across the globe including⁣ Northern Russia, Canada,​ Norway, Sweden and Greenland. It tends to migrate​ up and down⁤ water streams depending⁢ on the season.


They ⁢can be found in a variety of water types‍ including fresh, brackish or saltwater, preferring depth range is from the surface down to about 200m. They thrive‌ in temperatures between‍ -1 to 20 °C.

When and Where to See

The Arctic Char migration typically happens during late summer and autumn, making ⁣this the best time to witness them. They are most active during the day.

Best ⁣Fishing Locations

Here are some of the top fishing ​locations for Arctic Char:

  1. Lake Hazen, Canada
  2. Baker Lake, Canada
  3. Gullmarsfjorden, Sweden
  4. Alexandra Fiord, Canada
  5. Roskilde Fjord, Denmark
  6. Lake Torneträsk, Sweden
  7. Windermere,⁣ England
  8. Loch Rannoch, Scotland
  9. Lake‍ Geneva, Switzerland/France
  10. Alaska, USA

General Tips: Look⁣ out for upstream currents and eddies in rivers and in large clear lakes,‌ the ​rim area can be ‍a hotspot for arctic​ char.

How to Catch

  • Preferred bait: Small flies and soft plastic bait.
  • Fishing techniques: Fly fishing, trolling and ice fishing.
  • Best time for fishing: During spring and autumn.

Identification Guide

Physical characteristics: ⁣Arctic Char are most easily recognized ​by its light, cream or pinkish ‍spots ⁢over a dark blue or ⁤brownish ​body. They also have a slender body shape with a small head and a large mouth.
Comparison with similar species: They are ‍often confused with Brook Trout but can be distinguished by their lighter spots and ⁢long, tapering ‌body.


  • How ​to Cook: Arctic Char is best cooked grilled, pan-fried or baked.
  • Taste Profile: It has a rich, slightly sweet flavor with a firm texture.
  • Nutritional Information:⁢ A 100g portion contains approximately 140 Calories, 20g Protein and 6g Fat.

Additional Information

Arctic Char are solitary creatures⁣ that predominantly feed on insects, crustaceans,‌ and fish. They exhibit a unique mating ritual in which they change‌ their body ⁤color to a vibrant red during spawning. Predators of the Arctic Char include seals, ‍humans, and larger ‌fish. The Arctic Char has been a vital food source for the Inuit and other Arctic people ⁤for centuries.

References and Further Reading

For more information,‍ you‌ may refer to materials from the Fish Base, IUCN Red List, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada.