Lake Trout


Belonging to the family Salmonidae, the Lake Trout, or Salvelinus namaycush ‌as it’s scientifically known, is a freshwater fish species that is common ⁢in North‍ America.

Conservation Status

The Lake ⁣Trout is currently listed as a‌ species of “Least Concern” by the International‌ Union for Conservation‌ of Nature (IUCN). Conservation efforts ⁤for the species include habitat protection and regulation⁣ of fishing activities.


Aspect Average Range
Length 24 inches 14-36 inches
Weight 15 pounds 10-25 pounds
Lifespan 25 years


Lake Trout are predominantly ⁣found in Canada and ⁣the northern United States. ⁢They tend to stay in the same lakes where they​ were born and do not usually travel large distances.


Lake Trout live in ⁣freshwater‍ environments⁤ and prefer deep, cold, ‍oxygen-rich lakes. The temperature range for ​their habitat is typically between 1⁣ to 15°Celsius.

When and Where to ⁣See

Lake Trout are‍ most active during the cooler months of spring and fall. They are predominantly nocturnal ‍fish, being most active⁣ during the ⁤early morning and late evening.

Best Fishing Locations

Lake Trout can be found⁣ in freshwater bodies across Canada and‍ the northern United ⁣States. Top fishing locations‍ include:

  • Lake Superior
  • Lake Michigan
  • Lake Huron
  • Great Slave Lake
  • Lake of the Woods
  • Yellowstone Lake

Fishing Tips

Lake Trout can be caught using a ⁣variety of techniques, including trolling and jigging. They ‌are‌ also attracted to a⁣ variety of ⁤baits, such as live minnows and⁢ spoons.

Identification Guide

The Lake Trout has a ​distinctive dark green ⁢body with⁤ lighter ​spots.​ They are generally oval in shape with a slightly forked tail. ⁤Lake ⁣Trout are‍ sometimes confused with other species such as⁣ the‍ Brook Trout‍ or‌ Brown Trout, although⁣ the ‌Lake Trout ⁣is usually much larger.


Lake Trout is a mild-flavored fish that is ⁢often cooked in a variety of ways,⁣ including grilling,⁢ smoking,⁢ and frying. It is a relatively lean fish, ⁤with a high ‍protein ‍content and moderate fat‍ levels.

Additional Information

Lake Trout are ⁤predatory fish, feeding on other fish and small, aquatic organisms. They are also known for‍ their unique spawning behavior, which involves them migrating to tributaries and streams.​ Predators of Lake Trout include ⁣other larger fish, birds, and⁤ humans.

References and ​Further Reading

More information can be found in books such as:

  • “Freshwater Fishes of Canada” by William‍ B. Scott and E. J. Crossman
  • “Handbook ⁤of Fish Biology and Fisheries”⁢ by Paul J. B. Hart ⁤and John D. Reynolds

Linking to external sources like [Fisheries and Oceans Canada]( and [US Fish and Wildlife Service]( can provide more detailed and up-to-date information.