Atlantic Needlefish


The Atlantic⁢ needlefish, ‍scientifically known as Strongylura marina, is a species belonging to the Belonidae family. Known‌ for their long, slender⁢ bodies and​ needle-like jaws, Atlantic needlefish ⁢are fascinating ​and unique aquatic creatures.

Conservation Status

Atlantic⁤ needlefish are currently classified as ‘least concern’ on the conservation status spectrum, as they‍ have ⁢a relatively wide ⁢distribution and are not known to face⁤ any major⁢ threats. Conservation efforts directed towards these fish are generally geared ⁢towards maintaining healthy populations and preserving their habitats.


Aspect Average Range
Length 30 cm 15-37 cm
Weight 54 g 28-80 g
Average ⁤Lifespan 8 years

Distribution⁢ & Migration Patterns

The Atlantic needlefish roams the Western Atlantic waters, from⁤ the shores of Maine ‌to Brazil, including ⁣the Gulf of Mexico. These fish typically migrate during spawning seasons, moving to ‍fresher waters to reproduce.


Atlantic needlefish ⁣mostly‌ inhabit salt and brackish waters, typically floating near the surface. They reside in depths up to 29 meters and⁢ thrive in ⁢temperatures⁣ between 20°C and 25°C.

When and Where to See

This species is often found swimming near⁢ the‍ surface of water bodies during the ⁣dusk and ⁤dawn. The‌ best time to spot them is during the ⁣warmer seasons when they move closer to⁤ the shore for spawning.

Best Fishing Locations & General Tips

Places known ⁢for Atlantic needlefish ⁣sightings ​include the Florida Keys, Texas Gulf Coast, and North Carolina’s Albemarle Sound. If you are​ looking for needlefish in unknown territory, ⁣look for warm, ‍coastal waters with a mixture of salt and freshwater.

How to Catch

For bait, something shiny like spoons or shiny minnows does the trick, as it ⁤attracts these‌ predatory fish. Fly fishing, trolling, and⁤ bottom fishing techniques are all effective. Fishing during dusk⁢ or dawn in ⁤warmer seasons yields the best ⁤results.

Identification Guide

Atlantic needlefish possess‌ a long,‍ slender body, silver in color, with a bluish⁤ tint on the dorsal side. Their defining⁤ feature is their ⁤beak-like mouths filled with‌ sharp teeth. They are easily distinguishable from similar species⁣ due to their significant body length.


Atlantic needlefish have a mild⁢ flavor and a texture comparable to that⁢ of trout. They can be baked, ⁣grilled, or pan-fried. They are ‌lean, low-fat fish, making them a healthy ‌option. They ​are typically cooked with spices, herbs, ⁤and citrus flavors to enhance their natural taste.

Additional Information

Atlantic needlefish ​are​ night feeders, consuming ‌smaller‌ fishes and crustaceans.⁣ They have few natural predators due⁤ to their swift movements and sharp teeth. However, human activities like overfishing and habitat pollution pose significant threats. There’s no folklore or myth associated with this species.

References ‍and Further Reading

Note that while care has been⁤ taken ​to provide accurate information, for‍ more detailed research and studies, the above mentioned links should be referenced