Green Sturgeon


The Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) is a species of sturgeon, ‌a member ‍of the Acipenseridae family. Known for its prehistoric appearance and enormous⁢ size, it is a species of interest for both professional and enthusiast anglers alike.

Conservation Status

The Green Sturgeon is currently listed as “Near Threatened” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Conservation efforts are underway with measures such as habitat restoration and stricter fishing laws aimed at preventing ⁢overfishing and protecting this ancient species.


Green Sturgeon Statistics
Statistic Average Range
Length 1.5-2 meters 1-2.5 meters
Weight 45 kg 30-85⁤ kg
Average Lifespan 60‌ years N/A


The​ Green Sturgeon​ is native to the Pacific Ocean, with a range extending from the ‍Gulf of Alaska to Ensenada, Mexico. During​ their seasonal migrations, they move into the⁢ large ⁣rivers and estuaries of the Pacific Northwest and⁤ California ⁢to spawn.


Green Sturgeons are typically found⁣ in marine and estuarine waters, but they can also exist in freshwater environments. They are known to inhabit depths up to ​60 meters and prefer water temperatures of around 17-19 degrees Celsius.

When and Where to See

The best ‍time to spot Green Sturgeons is during‌ their​ spawning seasons, which occur from March through July. During this time, they often can ⁤be seen in shallow waters or near the ‍water’s surface, especially during the early morning or late evening hours.

Best Fishing Locations

  1. Columbia River, Oregon/Washington
  2. Sacramento River, California
  3. Eel River, California
  4. Fraser River, British Columbia
  5. Klamath River, Oregon/California
  6. Rogue River, Oregon
  7. Snake River, Idaho/Washington
  8. Frasier ⁣River, ‌Canada
  9. Willapa Bay, Washington
  10. Quillayute River, Washington

How to Catch

Green Sturgeons are typically caught using ⁤heavy tackle ⁣and large hooks, baited⁢ with fish ‍or shellfish. Best times to fish are during their spawning season and just after sundown or before sunrise.

Identification Guide

This species of sturgeon is​ identifiable by its olive green color, elongated body, narrow snout and⁢ rows of bony plates known as scutes. They are typically larger and have a narrower⁤ head shape than the closely related ​White Sturgeon.


While Green Sturgeons are primarily sought after for their roe (eggs), which is used to make caviar, their flesh⁤ is also edible and ⁣has a delicate, mildly sweet flavor.

Additional Information

Green Sturgeons⁢ are bottom-feeders, consuming a⁣ diet mainly ‌consisting of invertebrates such as crustaceans and small fish. They are slow to reach sexual maturity, with males maturing at⁤ around 15 years and females not until their mid-20s. Predators include marine mammals like sea lions and‌ seals, as well as larger fish species.

References and Further Reading

For those interested in learning ‌more⁣ about the Green Sturgeon, the⁤ following resources are recommended: