Grouper (Red)


The Red⁣ Grouper (Epinephelus morio) is ‌a species of sea fish that belongs to ⁢the Serranidae⁣ family. ⁢This fish ‍is highly prized ‌for its size, succulent taste, and the ‌challenge it presents to anglers.

Conservation Status

The Red Grouper is listed as “Least Concern” according to the International Union‌ for Conservation of Nature [IUCN]( ​Conservation efforts include regulations on catch size and seasons, and promoting sustainable fishing‌ practices.


Length (Average) Length (Range) Weight (Average) Weight (Range) Average Lifespan
0.5-1 meter 0.3-1.5 meters 10-20 ‌kg 1-50 kg 10-15 years


Red Groupers are typically found⁣ in the West Atlantic, from ⁢Massachusetts, USA⁤ to southern Brazil. They ⁤don’t show significant migration patterns.


The Red Grouper thrives in marine or saltwater. ​They live ⁣at ⁣depth ​ranges ⁤between 16 to 105 meters. ‌The temperature of the water in which they inhabit ranges from 15 to‌ 30 degrees Celsius.

When and⁤ Where to See

Red ‍Groupers​ can often be seen year-round ‍during the day, especially near ‌rocky bottoms and reef structures.

Best ‌Fishing Locations

  • Florida Keys, ⁤Florida, USA
  • Yucatan Peninsula, ‍Mexico
  • Outer Banks, North Carolina, USA
  • Bahamas
  • Bermuda

How to Catch

Red Groupers respond well to baits like squids and pinpoint fish. ‌Bottom fishing techniques usually yield the​ best results, in particular during the warm summer months.

Identification Guide

The Red Grouper is‌ recognizable by its⁣ brownish-red color,‌ distinctive boxy body shape, and the uneven size of ‍the spines on​ its dorsal fin.


Red Grouper is a ​versatile fish to cook with a ‍distinctive yet subtle flavor. ⁢They’re typically high in⁢ protein ⁢and low in fat content.


Red Groupers are known to be solitary creatures, they​ typically spend their day hiding in their ‌caves and come out to feed at night.

Predators⁣ and⁤ Threats

The Red Grouper has natural ‌predators, including larger fish and ​sharks. They​ also face threats from overfishing ⁣and loss of their coral reef habitats.

Historical Significance

This species has been ⁢a⁢ crucial ⁣part of the fishing industry for​ generations, playing ⁢a significant role in​ local economies.

References and Further ​Reading

For more details about this fascinating⁢ species, see Marine Life Photography and Fishbase