

The⁣ Houndfish (Tylosurus crocodilus), also‌ known as the Crocodile Needlefish, is a saltwater fish​ species in the family Belonidae.

Conservation‍ Status

The Houndfish is not⁣ currently listed on the International Union for⁣ Conservation of Nature‍ (IUCN) Red List⁢ of Threatened Species. Conservation status might be influenced⁤ by⁢ several factors,​ but no concrete data ​is available regarding specific conservation⁣ measures for this species.


Average Length 150 cm
Length Range 50 ‍cm – 200 cm
Average Weight 2.3 kg
Weight Range 0.5 kg ‌- 5 kg
Average Lifespan 5-10 years


The Houndfish has a worldwide distribution in tropical and subtropical waters, being ⁤found in the western Atlantic Ocean from Canada to Argentina, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.


This species is​ typically found in marine habitats, but can also inhabit brackish ​waters⁤ of estuaries and lagoons. It usually stays near to the surface and prefers temperatures between 20-30°C.

When ⁣and Where to See

The Houndfish⁢ is a surface-dwelling fish, suggestively seen feeding mainly during early morning or⁣ late afternoons.

Best Fishing Locations

While ⁢specific fishing‌ spots⁢ for Houndfish aren’t laid out, one might enjoy high chances‍ of sighting this species in regions such as Florida Keys, ⁣Gulf of Mexico, along the ⁢coast of Brazil, or in the Caribbean Sea.

How to Catch

Anglers most ⁣often catch Houndfish by trolling small lures or baitfish, such as herring. These fish are known to jump high out of water when hooked, ​making​ them ⁢a pretty exciting catch.

Identification Guide

The Houndfish is easily recognized by its elongated body and long, ⁤needle-like beak filled with⁣ sharp teeth. Its body color‍ is typically bluish-green dorsally and silvery white⁣ ventrally.


How ‍to Cook

Houndfish ‌is ‍not ⁣typically a major target for commercial or recreational fishing, hence there isn’t a traditional method of cooking this species. Their firm, white flesh does⁣ lend itself well to grilling or broiling.

Additional Information


Houndfish are noted⁣ for their habit of leaping⁤ out of the water, particularly when hooked‌ or ‌in pursuit of prey. They are voracious carnivores, feeding on a diet of smaller fish ‌and invertebrates.

Predators ​and Threats

Natural predators of the ​Houndfish include larger pelagic fish and​ seabirds. The ​chief threat ⁢to the​ species comes from habitat pollution and degradation due to human ⁤activities.

Cultural/ Historical Significance

Despite ⁣not being a popular game or food fish, Houndfish⁢ have a certain place in popular culture due to their distinct shape and jumping behavior.

References and Further Reading

For⁢ more information on Houndfish, interested​ readers might⁢ want to check‍ out aqua-life resources available online on the ‌ [NOAA website](https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species), [FishBase](https://www.fishbase.de/summary/Tylosurus-crocodilus.html), or similar resources dedicated to marine‍ life ‍research and advocacy. Remember to always open links in a new tab to keep your place on the ​original page