Pike Perch (Zander)


The ⁣Pike ⁤Perch, scientifically known as ‍”Sander lucioperca” and commonly referred ​to as Zander, is a sport and food fish of great popularity in Europe. Belonging to the Percidae family, this species is recognized for its⁤ extensive‌ size and its strong, fighting spirit which makes it a challenge for anglers.

Conservation Status

Currently, Pike Perch⁢ is listed under ‍the ⁢”Least Concern”‌ category by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The species has⁤ a steady conservation record, with ⁢primary efforts focusing on habitat preservation and fishing‍ regulations to protect the‍ population.


Length Average Range
Average 50-70 cm 20-120 cm
Weight Average Range
Average 5-7 ⁤kg 1-20 kg
Average Lifespan Average
Average 18 years

The Pike Perch is an‌ impressive species, particularly for its ​size​ and weight. It can ⁤grow​ up ‍to 120 cm​ in length and weigh as⁤ much as 20 kg.


Pike Perch is primarily found in ‌freshwater‍ areas of Eastern, Northern and Central Europe. The fish‌ doesn’t tend​ to migrate; however, some populations may undertake local seasonal commuting movements.


Pike Perch​ inhabits various types of freshwaters including rivers, ‌lakes, reservoirs and brackish waters. The species can adapt to different depths and temperatures, although it prefers cooler waters.

When and Where to See

Zander are⁣ more active during the twilight hours, both at dawn and dusk. ⁣They exhibit a‌ particular⁣ preference⁣ for the late ‍summer and autumn seasons.

Best Fishing Locations

Some of the most notable locations ‍to‍ fish for Zander are:

  1. Lake Constance, Germany/Switzerland
  2. Caspian Sea,‌ Asia/Europe
  3. Lake Hjälmaren, Sweden
  4. Lake Peipsi,⁢ Estonia/Russia
  5. Danube River, Central Europe
  6. Oder River, Germany/Poland
  7. River Rhône, France
  8. River Po, Italy
  9. Lake Vättern, Sweden
  10. Lake ‍Mälaren, Sweden

How to Catch

Depending on ⁤the ​weather, water ‍conditions and time of day, lures and ⁤live bait ⁢such as​ minnows⁤ or worms work well for catching Zander. Trolling and‍ casting are‌ effective fishing techniques.

Identification Guide

The Pike Perch‍ possesses a characteristic elongated and slightly compressed body. Its color varies ⁣from greenish-brown to ​gray with dark vertical bars. It’s commonly mistaken for American ​Walleye, albeit having⁤ narrower‍ body and a more pointed snout.

Culinary Information

Zander is highly esteemed​ for ‍its lean,⁢ firm flesh ‌which offers a mild, slightly sweet ⁤flavor. It is rich ⁢in ⁣protein, vitamins, ‍and minerals. From fried fillets to baked dishes and ⁢hearty stews, Pike Perch is a versatile ingredient in various⁢ recipes.

Additional Information

Being​ predatory creatures, ⁢Zander primarily feed on other fish. Males‍ mature⁢ at two to three ⁣years, while females mature at three to⁢ five years. Spawning occurs in the ⁣spring when the water temperature rises. As for threats, overfishing ‍and habitat⁣ destruction pose⁤ the ‌most significant dangers to the species.

References and Further ⁤Reading

– Fishbase.org. (2020). Sander lucioperca. [online] Available at: https://www.fishbase.in/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?ID=4675
-​ IUCN (The International ‍Union for Conservation of Nature). (2019). Sander ‌lucioperca. [online] Available at: https://www.iucn.org/.

Please note that​ these links⁤ are ‌for ‌reference only and for further⁢ information on ‍the discussed topic