

Species: Pollock
Family: Gadidae

Pollock is a species of ⁤fish that belongs to the cod family ⁣Gadidae. They are widely distributed in the ⁣North Atlantic ​and are popular for commercial and recreational fishing.

Conservation Status

Current status: Least ⁣Concern
Conservation efforts: Pollock fisheries​ are well-managed and maintain healthy population levels.


Average Range
Length 70cm 30-100cm
Weight 7kg 1-16kg
Average Lifespan 15 years

Pollock are​ dioecious species, meaning there ‌are distinct⁢ male and female individuals.


Regions/Countries: North Atlantic, Barents Sea,‍ Norwegian Sea, Canada, USA, ⁣United Kingdom, and Ireland.
Migration patterns:‍ Pollock​ undergo inshore-offshore migrations, with juveniles⁢ often found in coastal waters, ⁢while adults ⁣inhabit deeper waters.


Water type: Saltwater
Depth range: 0-200m
Temperature range: 2-10°C⁤ in winter, 10-18°C⁢ in summer

When and Where to See

Seasonal patterns: Pollock ⁤can be found year-round,​ but⁤ are most abundant in ⁢summer and autumn.
Time of day: They are most active at dawn and dusk.

Best ⁣Fishing Locations

  • Gulf of Alaska
  • Bering Sea
  • Norwegian Sea
  • Barents Sea
  • Bristol Bay
  • Kodiak ⁤Island
  • Gulf of Maine
  • Scotian⁤ Shelf
  • Kennebec River
  • St. Lawrence River

How to Catch

Preferred bait ⁣or lures: Sand eels,​ mackerel,⁤ lugworms.
Fishing techniques:⁢ Casting, trolling, jigging.
Best time of day or season for fishing: Early morning or late evening during summer and autumn.

Identification ​Guide

Physical⁣ characteristics: Greenish-black on back, silver⁤ sides, white belly, forked tail, large ⁢mouth.
Comparison ⁣with similar species: Pollock have a more elongated body and a shorter chin barbel ‍compared to the Atlantic cod.


Pollock is a versatile fish that⁣ can ‍be baked, ‍fried, grilled, or broiled and has a mild, slightly sweet taste.⁤ It is a ‍great source of protein, B-vitamins, and omega-3 fatty ⁣acids.

Additional Information

Pollock are voracious predators⁢ that feed on a ⁢variety of invertebrates and small fish. They are an important component in the food chain, serving as a food source for larger ‍fish and marine mammals. Pollock are ⁤targeted by various fishing industries due to their high ‌commercial value,​ which may pose risks ⁣to overexploitation ‌and bycatch.

References and‌ Further Reading

For more information ⁣about Pollock, refer to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric ⁤Administration, ⁢Alaska Fisheries Science Center, or Marine Conservation Society