Salmon (Coho)


The ⁣Coho Salmon, scientifically known as Oncorhynchus ⁣kisutch, belongs to the Salmonidae family. ‌Known for their vibrant color and distinct silver sides, these fish are an attractive find among fishing enthusiasts.

Conservation Status

The Coho Salmon is currently categorized as‍ ‘Vulnerable’ on ⁣the IUCN Red⁤ List1, indicating it’s facing ⁣a high risk of extinction in the wild. Conservation efforts⁣ are ongoing‍ and range ​from habitat‌ restoration ⁣to strict fishing restrictions during spawning ‍seasons.


Attribute Average Range
Length 28 ​inches 20 – 30 inches
Weight 8 lbs 2 – ⁤35 ⁢lbs
Average Lifespan 3 -⁤ 5 years


Originally,‌ Coho Salmon were found throughout the Pacific Ocean, ranging from Alaska to Japan and down to ⁣Central ‌California. ​However, due to human activities, ​their distribution has been reduced. They are⁢ now primarily found in ⁢the ​coastal waters of ⁤Alaska and ⁢British Columbia.


Coho Salmon are found in both freshwater and saltwater ⁢environments.​ They prefer cooler ⁤water temperatures​ and can typically be found at depths⁣ ranging from 3 to 300 meters.

When and Where to See

The best time‍ to observe ‍Coho Salmon is during their spawning season, which typically occurs from late ⁢summer through fall.

Best Fishing Locations​ and General Tips

Here are the ⁢top 10 places to look for Coho Salmon:

1. Copper River, Alaska, United States
2. ‍Yakutat, Alaska, United States
3. Rupert ‌Inlet, Vancouver‌ Island, Canada
4. Skeena River, British Columbia, ‌Canada
5.‍ Quillayute River, Washington, ‌United ‍States
6. Skagit​ River, Washington, United States
7. Ketchikan Creek, ⁤Alaska, United States
8. Stamp River, British ​Columbia,⁣ Canada
9.⁤ Nooksack ⁤River, Washington, United States
10. Tillamook Bay, Oregon, United States

How to ⁢Catch

The preferred bait for Coho Salmon includes shrimp, squid, and artificial lures such as spinners and spoons. Fishing techniques vary​ from⁢ trolling to⁣ casting and drifting.

Identification Guide

In freshwater, Coho ⁢Salmon are distinguished by their⁣ bright ​silver flanks and dark ⁤blue backs. Once ⁤they migrate to sea, their ⁣color ​changes to a dark metallic blue on the back‍ with​ silver flanks.


Coho Salmon carries a rich, full flavor‍ and is often enjoyed grilled, smoked, or baked. It is high in protein, Vitamin D, and Omega-3 fatty ⁢acids.

Additional⁢ Information

Coho Salmon are predators, consuming a diet ‌of smaller​ fish, squid, and shrimp. They are themselves ⁤preyed upon ⁤by various animals including bears, birds, and ⁤larger fish species.

References and‍ Further Reading

For more‍ detailed information, refer to‌ the following ⁢sources:

1. NOAA⁢ Fisheries
2. U.S. ⁢Fish & Wildlife Service
3. National Geographic