Spearfish (Longbill)


The Spearfish, also known to‍ the scientific community as Tetrapturus​ pfluegeri, belongs to the ⁤Istiophoridae Family, notably recognized for their signature long, bill-like upper jaws.

Conservation Status

The Spearfish, particularly the Longbill Spearfish, is currently categorized under the‌ “Least Concern” conservation status by the International Union for‍ Conservation‌ of Nature (IUCN). Various‌ efforts are made globally to maintain their population, including sustainable fishing measures and habitat protection.


Average Range
Length 7.5 ft 5 – 9 ft
Weight 50‍ lbs 20 – 80 lbs
Lifespan 5 – 8 years


Spearfish, including ​the Longbill​ species, can be found in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, particularly ⁢in tropical ‍and subtropical waters.‍ They are known to migrate in response to changes in water‍ temperature and food availability.


These ‌pelagic ⁢fish prefer ‌warmer waters with temperatures ranging from 22 – 28°C. They inhabit the open ‍ocean, ​typically staying within⁢ a depth‌ range ​of 0 ‍- 200 meters.

When ⁣and Where⁤ to See

Spearfish tend⁣ to show up during the summer months in many regions,⁤ particularly from May⁤ through September. They ‌are most⁣ active during the ⁤early ⁤morning and late afternoon hours.

Best Fishing Locations

  • Hawaii, USA
  • Florida,⁣ USA
  • Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
  • Bahamas
  • Canary ⁤Islands, Spain
  • Azores, Portugal
  • Madeira, Portugal
  • Malta
  • Seychelles
  • Mauritius

How to⁣ Catch

Spearfish, like other billfish, ⁢are typically caught using ⁣various methods including trolling with lures or live baits. The best‌ time ‌to ‌catch them is during their active feeding times in the early morning or late ⁣afternoon.

Identification Guide

Spearfish have a slender,⁤ elongated body with a long, pointed bill. They are generally ⁣indigo-blue on top, fading to silver-white ⁤on their underside with a series of ‍light vertical bars along their⁤ flanks.


Longbill spearfish have a light, ​nearly ⁤white flesh ‍with a mild ​flavor. They’re ideally grilled or made ‌into sashimi. Nutritional information generally includes‍ high protein⁣ and omega-3 fatty acids, making it a healthy choice for many diets.

Additional Information

Spearfish have a rapid growth rate and are considered opportunistic feeders, commonly dining on small fish and cephalopods.​ They are generally solitary or⁢ move in small groups. Their⁤ natural predators include larger species of billfish and sharks.

In the realm of ‌folklore,⁣ the Hawaiian people consider spearfish, or​ “Hebi”⁤ as they call it, to signify good luck.

References and ​Further Reading

  1. FishBase
  2. NOAA Fisheries
  3. Florida Museum