White Sturgeon


The ⁣White Sturgeon, scientifically known as Acipenser transmontanus, is a member of the Acipenseridae family. This fascinating ancient ​fish species⁣ is one of the⁤ largest freshwater⁢ fish in North America.

Conservation Status

The White‌ Sturgeon is currently listed as a species of “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Efforts to conserve this incredible species⁤ include controlled ‍fishing regulations and habitat restoration ⁢projects.


Statistic Average Range
Length 4.9 feet 4.9⁣ – ⁤20 feet
Weight 77 pounds 77 – 1,799 pounds
Average Lifespan 50 – 60 years


The White Sturgeon predominantly resides in the Fraser and Columbia River systems of the Pacific Northwest. Unlike most sturgeon species, the White Sturgeon does not undertake ‍long-distance migrations.


This⁢ species ⁤thrives in fast-moving freshwater but can also⁣ be found in saltwater near the mouths of rivers. They prefer the deep, cold water environment, with temperatures‍ ranging from 2 – 18 degrees ‌Celsius.

When and Where to See

White​ Sturgeons are generally found towards the bottom of rivers and ⁢estuaries from early spring to late autumn. They are ‌most active during the night‍ and are less‍ noticeable‍ during ​the day.

Best Fishing Locations

Here’s a list of the top locations⁢ for fishing White Sturgeons:

  1. Fraser River, Canada
  2. Lake Shasta, USA
  3. Snake River, USA
  4. Columbia River, USA
  5. Sacramento River, USA

To find White Sturgeons, ‌look for deep, slow-moving pools ‍of freshwater, ⁤especially ones‌ with sandy bottoms.

How to Catch

White Sturgeons prefer raw fish, like herring, as⁤ bait. The best fishing‍ techniques are bottom fishing and shore fishing. The best time is during the night, especially during spring and autumn seasons.

Identification Guide

The White⁣ Sturgeon is usually grey​ in color, with a ‍spindle-shaped body and a shark-like ⁢tail. It differs from​ other ​species by its unique combination of size, lack of scales, and four barbels near its mouth.


White Sturgeon is described as having a ⁢rich, buttery taste. It is a good source of protein and omega-3 fatty ⁤acids. One popular ‌recipe is grilled White Sturgeon ⁤with a lemon ⁣herb‌ butter.

Additional Information

White ⁢Sturgeons‌ are⁣ bottom feeders, with a⁢ diet primarily consisting of shellfish, small fish,⁤ and invertebrates. Their main threats include overfishing and habitat loss. Sturgeons have not only a significant cultural value among indigenous peoples but⁣ also‌ a commercial value‍ for their roe,⁢ which is used ‍for caviar.

References⁤ and Further Reading

U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s White Sturgeon ⁣Report, Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s ⁤White Sturgeon Profile.