Yellowfin Grouper


The Yellowfin Grouper, scientifically known ⁣as Mycteroperca venenosa, is a fascinating species of fish from the family Serranidae, most ⁣commonly known as the groupers.

Conservation Status

Current Status Conservation ‌Efforts
Least Concern Fishing regulations and restrictions


Length (Average, Range) Weight (Average, Range) Average ⁢Lifespan Other Stats
85 cm⁣ (40-100 cm) 30 lbs (15-45 lbs) 15 years Commonly solitary and territorial


  • Regions/Countries: Typically found in ⁣the western Atlantic Ocean, from Bermuda and Massachusetts to Brazil, in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico.
  • Migration Patterns: Yellowfin groupers are not migratory fish and tend to remain in or near their home territories.


  • Water Type: Marine
  • Depth Range: Often found at depths between 10-100 meters.
  • Temperature Range:​ Prefers warmer subtropical waters.

When and Where to See

  • Seasonal Patterns: Active all year round.
  • Time of day:​ Daytime, as they are diurnal creatures.

Best Fishing Locations

The⁢ top⁣ fishing locations for Yellowfin Grouper are found in the Caribbean and around Florida:

  1. Haulover Canal, Florida
  2. Key West, Florida
  3. The Bahamas
  4. The Virgin Islands
  5. Off the coast of Bermuda
  6. Off the coast⁤ of Yucatan, Mexico
  7. Off the coast of Dominican⁣ Republic
  8. Off the coast of Cayman Island

Please note that the species is territorial and stays in or‍ near its home reef, so finding them sometimes require ​patience and persistence.

How to Catch

  • Preferred Bait or ⁣Lures: Cut bait such as ‌squid and​ small fish ⁤are effective at attracting Yellowfin Grouper.
  • Fishing Techniques: Bottom fishing is recommended due to the grouper’s habit of dwelling near the ocean⁢ floor.
  • Best Time of Day‌ or Season for Fishing: Late afternoon is optimum, and they are present all year round.

Identification Guide

Yellowfin Groupers have a robust body and large mouths. They can be identified by their dark brown ‌or charcoal-grey body and yellowish coloration on the pectoral fins and the edges of their dorsal and tail fins.

Compared to Black Grouper, another species in⁤ the same family, Yellowfin Groupers have more elongated bodies and smaller mouths.


  • How⁣ to Cook:‍ The flesh of the Yellowfin⁣ Grouper is firm and lean, making it suitable for ‍grilling or frying.
  • Taste Profile: Yellowfin Grouper has a mild, sweet flavor with ⁢a pleasant texture.
  • Nutritional Information: This fish is high in protein and essential vitamins, ⁤and low in fat.

Any recipe suitable for white fish such as grouper tacos or grilled grouper with lemon and herbs is perfect for Yellowfin Grouper.

Additional Information

  • Behavior: Yellowfin​ Groupers tend to stay within a defined territory, which is typically a coral reef or rocky bottom. They are predatory, feeding on smaller fish and invertebrates.
  • Predators and ‍Threats: Natural predators include larger fish and ⁣marine mammals. Human-induced threats include overfishing, habitat destruction and marine pollution.
  • Cultural/Historical Significance: Yellowfin Groupers have been featured in many traditional fishing tales in the Caribbean.

References & Further Reading