North American Fishes: Freshwater & Saltwater Fish Species

Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to the Fishes of North America! Dive deep into our comprehensive catalog featuring over 600 species, from the shimmering freshwater fishes to the majestic saltwater game fish that grace our coasts. Whether you’re an angler looking to identify your latest catch, a student researching the diverse aquatic life, or simply an enthusiast eager to explore the underwater wonders of North America, we’ve got you covered.

Brassy Chub

Bream (Black)

Bream (Common)

Bream (Fingermark)

Broadnose Sevengill Shark

Brook Trout

Broomtail Grouper

Brown Bullhead

Brown Rockfish

Brown Smooth-Hound

Brown Trout

Buffalo Sculpin

Bull Shark

Bull Trout

Bullet Tuna



Butter Sole

C-O Sole


Calico Bass

Calico Surfperch

California Corbina

California Flounder

California Kingcroaker

California Scorpionfish

California Sheephead

Canary Rockfish

Cero Mackerel

Chain Pickerel

Channel Catfish

Chilipepper Rockfish

China Rockfish

Chinook Salmon

Chub Mackerel

Chum Salmon



Clown Knife Fish



Coho Salmon

Comb Grouper

Common Carp

Common Ling

Common Pandora

Conger Eel

Copper Rockfish

Copper Shark

Coral Trout

Cottonmouth Jack





Crevalle Jack

Cubera Snapper

Curlfin Sole


Cutthroat Trout

Darkblotched Rockfish

Deep-Sea Sole




Dolly Varden

Dolphin (Mahi Mahi)

Dover Sole

Dusky Shark

Dusky Smooth-Hound

English Sole


Fat Snook

Flannelmouth Sucker

Flat Needlefish


Flathead Catfish

Flathead Grey Mullet

Flathead Sole

Florida Gar

Florida Pompano


Flying Gurnard

Freshwater Drum

Frigate Tuna

Gafftopsail Pompano

Gag Grouper


Geelbek (Cape Salmon)

Giant Seabass

Gilt-head (Seabream)

Discover the vast variety of freshwater fishes of North America, from the popular game fish to the lesser-known species that inhabit our lakes, rivers, and streams. Curious about the difference between the volumes of species? We’ve categorized them for easy reference. And for those who are visual learners, don’t miss out on our exclusive freshwater fish posters that beautifully illustrate the diversity of our continent’s freshwater habitats.

Venture further and plunge into the world of saltwater game fish of North America. These marine marvels, often sought after by sport fishermen, are not only a testament to the beauty of the ocean but also to the ecological richness of North American waters.

Each fish species is accompanied by detailed information, ensuring that you have a seamless learning experience. So, whether you’re looking to identify a specific fish, understand its habitat, or simply immerse yourself in the aquatic wonders of North America, our guide is your go-to resource.